We need to consider American core values and competences, before we can judge whether the USA should follow Sweden’s example. We highly value human life. We are very good at figuring out how to “manage” diseases on a large scale— given enough time (and at very high cost). So we are trying desperately to postpone coronavirus spread until we can treat very high numbers of patients effectively. “ Proning ” is one recent example, now remdesivir is another, of strategies that took us time to figure out, but which were worth waiting for. And a recent study implies significant potential to re-purpose existing drugs and compounds quickly against COVID-19. Of course, the ultimate solution is a vaccine--and both Dr. Fauci & Bill Gates, who are normally quite cautious, have recently expressed optimism on rapid availability. Unfortunately, for decades we have grossly neglected to exercise our core competence in prevention, beyond tobacco. We reduce...
Committed to developing whole-population healthy habits, starting K-12, and using advocacy & social entrepreneurship to do whatever is necessary for a healthy future for us all.