We don’t usually think of Germans as being litigious--but desperate situations breed desperate measures. The youth of Germany just won a major legal victory , in which they sued the government, dominated by older Germans such as Chancellor Merkel, over climate issues. Younger Germans allege that those in power are not doing enough to prevent a future climate catastrophe, which would harm today’s youth much more than today’s elderly--who will be long dead by the time the full force of climate change hits Germany. Which makes me wonder: what if GenZ-ers and Millennials sued our ruling-class Boomers over their gross neglect of youth health? Our older generations have allowed younger generations to develop epidemic levels of chronic disease. Across the country, our “leaders” wantonly permitted schools to slash physical & health education & recess. This has been a major factor in today’s pervasive child inactivity, obesity & unfitness--inevitably lea...
Committed to developing whole-population healthy habits, starting K-12, and using advocacy & social entrepreneurship to do whatever is necessary for a healthy future for us all.