The national security threat of an unhealthy population extends far beyond difficulties in enlisting fit military personnel. The military budget makes up about 20% of the federal budget. In contrast, health costs are now almost 50% of federal spending, many times higher than in the past. Continued increases in government spending on health care pose a growing threat to military budgets. Military spending has been at roughly 3-4% of GDP for the last 30 years. In contrast, total US health costs over that same period have increased from 12% to 18% of US GDP. Employers have passed an increasing % of health costs on to employees, resulting in higher employee premiums & out-of-pocket spending. Average health costs per person have almost doubled over the last 30+ years. (Bad) health is absorbing a growing share of family spending, and reducing money available for anything else. We are all paying for each others' health care, with the de...
Committed to developing whole-population healthy habits, starting K-12, and using advocacy & social entrepreneurship to do whatever is necessary for a healthy future for us all.