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Showing posts from December, 2019

Health Horror Shows--Sequels Even Worse!!

The recent health news double-feature was really scary: 1.  40% of Adults Obese 2.  1 in 5 Adolescents with Prediabetes Then came the even-more-shocking news on the “sequels”: For adults: “ Severe obesity  is likely to become the most common BMI category among...low-income adults”--  close to 1 in 3 >75-100 pounds overweight by 2030 --when about 50% of adults will be obese nationwide . For teens with prediabetes:  “However, compared with adults, decline in β-cell function seems to occur at an accelerated rate resulting in relative insulin deficiency and progression to overt type 2 diabetes  with insulin treatment needed to control hyperglycemia within a few years after diagnosis .” Let us be clear what this means: High child obesity (~20% nationally now) is leading to very high adult obesity (40% now, going to 50%+) and  severe obesity (1 in 12 adults now, going to 1 in 4 in 2030 ). Un...