The headline reads: Cancer Deaths Decline 27% Over 25 Years But the subheadline reads, rather ominously: Improvement reflects reduced smoking but obesity could influence future projections Yes, indeed: the American Cancer Society declares that obesity has ALREADY become the second biggest preventable cause of cancer, after smoking. And the Mayo Clinic reinforces that with the slogan: "Sitting is the New Smoking." We reached our highest cancer mortality rate in the early 1990s, following inevitably after our highest cigarette smoking rate in the early 1960s... ...Yet we haven't even reached our highest child and adult obesity rates yet. So look for a big uptick in obesity-related cancer in the coming decades, as we continue to neglect to address the main obesity root causes: inactivity & unhealthy nutrition. We can pray for a miracle cancer cure to emerge in the meantime. But we can also do something much more conc...
Committed to developing whole-population healthy habits, starting K-12, and using advocacy & social entrepreneurship to do whatever is necessary for a healthy future for us all.