The second in a series of rants on this critical but wantonly overlooked issue: The latest news is quite terrifying. We are reverting to an even higher, pre-Great-Recession-level health care inflation rate of 6% for the foreseeable future. Given the power of compounding, together with household income stagnating during the last 25 years and also for the foreseeable future, the average American family can be expected to pay twice as much of their income for health care 20 years from now. Health costs will rise from around 10% of household income to 20%--from around $5,000 to $10,000 on a salary of about $52,000 by 2035, in real/2015 $$. Some of you may say, "Scott, you are extrapolating for 20 years, nothing ever keeps trending the same way for that long, things change." I wish that were true in this case. Health care costs have been trending well above inflation and wage...
Committed to developing whole-population healthy habits, starting K-12, and using advocacy & social entrepreneurship to do whatever is necessary for a healthy future for us all.